Below are some details of the current ministries within Thurso & North Coast Free Church:

Prayer Meeting

We meet in person in the church every Wednesday at 7.30pm for a time of prayer and bible study. 

Anyone is welcome to join us, if you want more details or want to join via Zoom please contact us. 


Young Adult Fellowship

A group of young adults (Late teens to early thirties!) from multiple congregations across Thurso meet for a time of fellowship, study and cake hosted in the homes of one our of deacons. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with other young people from our local area, and learn more about the bible and the Christian faith together. The study normally consists of a DVD series, such as "The God Question" or "The reason for God",  as a starting point followed by a time of discussion.

If you are interested in joining us and want to know about any upcoming meetings please contact us via the "Contact Us" page or talk to one of the deacons at our services. 

Women for Mission Meetings

Once a month a group of women in the congregation meet together to support the work of Women for Mission and spend some time together over a cup of tea. If you would like to find out the dates of the meetings or for any further information please contact us via email and one of the women will be in touch.